Monday 26 September 2016


I enjoyed the experience of a brief late summer surge. It was melting heat for almost 3 days. It began with heavy morning dew that evaporated as the heat of the day rose to give a pleasant evening warmth lasting well into the night before the small hours chilled the humidity and dawn would begin with heavy dew – the nature of nature.

Rickmansworth Long Term Mooring

Using the Tesco mooring at ‘Ricky’ and I popped in to fill their trolley with my trolley and non essential items in the supermarket, mostly, for ballast. It’s amazing how accurate I get with filling my trolley, I think I am a contender for the terra firma Trolley Dolly! After breakfast we took off and caught up with the Australian and shared a few Locks to Cassiobury Park, Watford. We were going to moor up before the Iron Lock but we got grounded. A touch of Dredge-it would make a huge difference but fat chance of that happening. So we went to the shady moorings above the Iron Lock and took off, early the next day, sharing the Locks with father and daughter to Kings Langley. 


The early start meant I had time to varnish the oak now in situ on the side hatch interiors, and have a play on my Uke. Actually I play my Uke(s) pretty much daily. I want to be ready for  ‘Ukeoholics’  in Spain!

We set up the Wheel House canopy, as rain was forecast to fall and the late summer burst was going to end, that night! I managed to get some washing nearly dry on the clothesline and thankfully it became dry enough with a bit of creative positioning under the fading sunrays. Later, a passing thunderstorm was audible as the sky darkened and Della got a bit freaked! She never used to!! Thunder and fireworks are an anxiety trip for her now!!!
Spot the Lake!
Our overnight mooring near King’s Langley was rural and a wire fence embedded in the towpath hedgerow separated the canal and a fishing lake where some Anglers were camped. It was weird to wake up and hear voices, loud voices, as their tent started to flood. “Get a boat” I thought. The heavens opened and rain bucketed down until late morning. In hope that the rain was finished we untied DB and headed to the next Lock. The water levels were high which meant the Wheelhouse canopy needed to be removed before the Lock as a low bridge would have done the job for us!
Boat ahead tried to drown yesterday!

The rain started up again, and we got well washed going through Hemel Hempstead. We are becoming aware of the Widebeam boats, on the Cut, that seem to be Continuous Cruisers pretenders. They are moored on linear moorings either near bridges or on bends. I don’t think they are thoughtful about their size and I don’t think they play the rules. We, Narrowboaters, need to be understanding of their contribution to the Canals. I’m not sure what it is they offer! We pass some of these boats being fitted out. Yeah, I can see that a 14 Day mooring isn’t appropriate but they take the p***. The 14 footers are twice our width and their license fee depends on boat length like us. I know I’ve got to get over it but they need to be prepared for contact sport now becoming known as a ‘Westie’ after the steering skills of Timothy West as seen on TV. I do not aim to give a steel kiss but if they are in the way then they are in the way.

On the outskirts of Hemel, the rain was pouring down and I needed a bit of a push to go up the flooding Boxmoor Lock. The Canal was running more like a river, the Lock was overflowing and I was nervous with the thought of banging the pegs in above the Lock but there was another boat moored up there and I felt better that I left one back gate paddle raised, once we had ‘done’ the Lock. The water would then run away and down a side water drain to the River Bulbourne. I think said River is usually like a Creek!

Inclement looking weather, next morning, but drier than the day before and a ship going down the Lock gave me the impetus to get on the move to Market Harborough aka ‘Arborough.
And they left the gates open! 

Cptn was on Lock operation works to get us to Winkwell Swing Bridge. The swing bridge is a key operated traffic stopper and I thought Cptn would enjoy the experience. An Australian going the other way greeted us at the Lock and said the Bridge is busted and help is on the way. It was Saturday and after waiting 30 minutes I phoned C&RT emergency phone number who told me they knew about the bridge and someone was on the way. I asked when they will be arriving and I was told ½ an hour. I said that was what they told someone an hour ago! Anyway 15 mins later the bridge-men x 2 arrived and they got the bridge swinging. We gained another BW key left by an Australian. That’s a bonus.

Up, up and away. 7 locks later we moored in our ‘usual’ spot in ‘Berko’. Nice spot and we were waiting for a package of coloured vinyl contact sheets so we could get working on DB’s aesthetics. We rely on Poste Restante for mail deliveries. This delivery was not a smooth hassle free one and the post mistress had some words for us “Please let us know when you are having packages delivered to us. What is your phone number?”

As we were leaving Berko we found a windlass left at a Lock; a Slazenger tennis ball and bathroom tiles by the boat rubbish bins.

Near the Wendover Arm. Big arse wide beam..continuous cruiser!

Sunday 18 September 2016


Brentford Basin

The plan, this year, had always been to go up the Grand Union Canal (GU) from the start to finish, a way of getting close to our winter mooring. The temptress of the R. Thames laid its bait as we cruised, easily, along her waters and we did a tally up of pros and cons before we decided we would definitely go UP the GU Canal. We have done Norton Junction to Brentford, which was so last year! It’s Brentford to Norton Junction then continue on the GU Canal-Mainline to Birmingham. I know there are a ‘lorra’ Locks and miles of canal but it is not a ‘bar-steward’ and with Cptn and I sharing the helm and Locks, we can do it ‘piece of cake’.

Brentford Basin, once we had secured our prime visitor mooring position, was a good resting place for a week while Cptn sorted out his dental work-to-be-done, in London. Positive decision made, now watch this space, the tooth fairy will return the missing one!

Cptn has been busy getting DB’s eye-candy plan ready. So with the first delivery of A4 size stick on colour vinyl plastic, we could make a start on decorating the exterior of DB. A blank canvas, that we have always received high praise for her lines. Now we are getting random comments about her aesthetic plan.

'Statue Bro'?

“You are BRAVE!”
“It (sic.coloured vinyl plastic) looks interesting; amazing; wow.....” Depending on age and (L) or (R) Brain dominant.

Time passed quietly in the Basin. Della had a groom.  We went for a walk into Syon Park, London home of the Northumberland’s, and were gob-smacked to see the mass of vehicles belonging to the  huge film unit currently in occupation. As to be expected, there was no information given to what was being filmed apart from it’s a sequel to a blockbuster movie. Oh well, I’ll have to wait until it comes out on DVD and is in the local charity shop for resale! Sorted.

We had visits from some of our London friends, before we cruised into the sunset. Great to catch up and recharge the friendship batteries! Sorry to Annabel who got a £60 parking fine, on a bleeding Sunday, in the Brentford Basin office car park. No-one uses it on a Sunday, for heaven’s sake! Get me out of London, I thought........
Moving on up, moving on out.
So, happily, we left Brentford Basin at midday on Monday. The water levels were low but we were more than keen to get underway. Our mooring was taken straight away by a wide-beam boat. The Basin had been full all week with London boat people. It’s a way of life. 

There is a neglected plastic boat that looked burglarised and I wonder what C&RT are doing about it. I’m sure the Enforcement Officer knows and there will be some lengthy costly procedure taking place....

Asking for it.....

It is so unfair for people who use the waterways responsibly.
There's a book in this!
The cruise up the Hanwell Flight of 8 Locks is not an experience I’d rush back to. We did the 2 Locks before the flight, and 6 of the 8 Hanwell Locks before calling it a day. The green algae covered waters are not pretty and, I think, synonymous with London canal waters. 

Does algae have floating rights?

There is work to be done, on this flight and I think if it were my backdoor waters I’d be out giving a helping hand! All I wanted to do, now, was get on out of here.
Hot day starting up
Next day, we were ready for an early start. The day was forecast to be hot, and we were keen to be off. I took Della for her early morning walk with windlass in hand; she had to walk the gang plank as the water was too shallow to be moored directly alongside the towpath. The gang plank training at Wargrave Marsh on the R. Thames, had given Della confidence to walk the plank. We went to the Lock ahead and I wound a gate paddle to empty it. We walked on up to the top lock and there was a wide-beam boat about to enter it. I let them know we would be coming up and to leave the gates open as they left the Lock. I stopped emptying the Lock below and began filling it so it would be ready for them. I thought they would be down, at our level, before we were ready for the Lock.

They were just approaching the Lock, from above, as we were approaching, from below. They didn’t show confidence in what they were doing and I couldn’t resist giving them words to get moving. Apparently he used to moor on the River Lee but now moored in London. Surprise surprise. He had been a boater for 6 years and had cruised the boat down from middle England. “Oh, one of those.” I said. I’m turning into a bitchy old cow, transparent and robust with little empathy for diversity. It’s not right!! 

Get me out of London. I made an attempt, on August 1st at 0630 hrs, to book a mooring space at Rembrandt Gardens, Paddington with C&RT for 6 – 12 September. In hindsight I was lucky that I didn’t get the mooring. I think to be almost certain of being allocated a space, the email has to be sent on the dot of 00:00hrs 1st of the month for the month ahead.... That will be a new game for me!

Bull's Bridge and the GU Paddington Arm

We cruised straight ahead at Bull’s Bridge and ‘Up’ the GU to get through Cowley Peachy, Uxbridge and beyond to Copper Mill Lock, Harefield. 

Double berthed on Widewater Lock Moorings! I saw 'car'boat near here, last year. 

We were on the way and little sign of boats on the move.

Thursday 8 September 2016


I don’t think we are on a cruising ‘ring’, but we have been on a few rivers this year.... R. Soar, a touch of R. Trent, R. Weaver, R. Severn, R. Avon, a hint of R. Kennet as it merged with the Canal that shares its name, and our finale of the season on the R. Thames ending with a snippet on R. Brent.

On the river DB is ready, with her canopies, to adapt to the vagaries of weather in this climate- challenged country. The Thames was going to be a mixed bag, weather-wise, and we started off in Sonning with the Wheel House canopy in situ. We bought our Environment Agency (E.A) Thames license, from the Sonning Lock Lock-keeper, issued as we went down the Lock. We were legit to be on the Thames and could take our time, 7 days, to get to Teddington Lock where we would be lowered on to the tidal Thames, controlled by Port of London Authority (PLA), cruising 4 miles to Thames Lock, Brentford.
Thames traffic

The river was busy mainly with fancy white‘Tupperwares’ jetting up and down. There were the occasional  ‘Steels’, some yachts, dinghys, kyaks and rowing boats with or without coxswain. Generally big boat traffic keep to the rules, the others can be a different kettle of fish.

Last year, we cruised without paying mooring charges. This year, for my memory and to share, I’m going to list our R. Thames moorings.

  • ·         Wargrave Marsh, at least 24 hr free mooring. Lovely spot we found for 2 nights.
    We were round the bend from these boats! 
  • ·         Bourne End, £5 / 24hr collected by Margot . There is a railway line nearby for the local train service (Marlow – Bourne End) and I have to say very considerate train drivers who slow down approaching the nearby pedestrian railway line crossing. The train makes minimal noise that doesn’t intrude.
  • ·         Windsor, £8 / 24hr collected by a mate of our friend Keith. No mate’s rates given! The island mooring on the river was ‘bouncy’ with all the active boat traffic but a move into the cutting and tying onto the mooring rings was a comfortable solution. I don’t think we’ll put Windsor on our mooring list, we  can avoid stopping here.
  • ·         Old Windsor close to ‘The Bells of Ouzeley’ and not far from Magna Carta Island, free but noisy road traffic. We had intended to go to free Visitor moorings in Staines, but a planned meeting with friends had been cancelled and I could live without a supermarket shop!
  • ·         Penultimate night in Shepperton, free mooring opposite Desborough Island.
    We found out about this mooring off the main ‘drag’ when we had pulled up after exiting Shepperton Lock at the free 24hr moorings we had used, last year, before we went on the R. Wey. There was a notice saying the Dunkirk Little Ships would be using the mooring and we would have to leave by 6am! Cptn spoke with another moored Nb who first told us about the moorings we used that night.
     We put our pegs in the ground although it was signed ‘No Mooring’ but some of the boats using the legal mooring Rings didn’t look like they were in a rush to move.
    I called out to a man on a Narrowboat “Do they monitor these moorings?” He shrugged and shook his head. Another Nb was moored in front of us and we soon met and shared our lack of concern over our disobedient behaviour.
     We were only going to be an overnight stay!
  • ·         Our last night on the river we stayed at Walton-on-Thames, free mooring, slowly moving back from outside ‘The Anglers’ Pub as the ‘plastics’ left their moorings. I went for a walk in the rain into Walton and filled my trolley with goodies from Sainsburys and Aldi, both within easy walking distance.
    Greedy Swans

We have been informed that some small ‘plastic’ boats are being stripped of their name and identity number and mooring long term in Visitor Moorings used for accommodation. The boats are not licensed to be on the water. We came across a couple of these boats and I wonder what The Environment Agency is doing about this. Tut tut, it annoys me but no-one and no organisation are perfect!

On the final day of our river License we left Walton-on-Thames and cruised towards Sunbury Lock where we were stuck in boat congestion! 60 minutes later, guesstimate, we were approached by the line of Dunkirk boats en masse as they were heading up river.

Dunkirk's passing the waiting boats
There had to be a few Lock fills to get their group at ‘our’ level and the growing queue of boats held-in-waiting were puzzled that no boats were being put into the Lock before it was emptied for more Dunkirk’s! Still we got lots of waves from the Veteran’s as they cruised past our smiling faces. Thanks, a WW2 memory never forgotten by many that lives on.

Later, we got moving and only Molesworthy Lock, near Hampton Court Palace to go through before mooring up above Teddington Lock to wait for the incoming tide to be almost at high tide. We checked in with the Lock Keeper and moved back to the front of the queue! Perfect. I gave Della a walk and called out to Chris, the Narrowboater who witnessed our derring-do on the K&A Canal at Newbury. I had recognised him waiting for Teddington Lock on his Nb! An unexpected meet up but a small world indicative of the life we lead.

Time didn't stop and boats started up their engines giving the signal that the Lock had its 'green-for-go' traffic light glowing.

 We went in Teddington Lock and soon out on the tidal Thames punching the last of the incoming tide.
Leaving Teddington Lock
It was a 4 mile cruise with the ‘revs’ up to get to turn to port on the R. Brent. I took the helm for some of the journey and enjoyed the responsibility and recognising some of the familiar Richmond / Twickenham landmarks. It took about an hour to get to the turn on to the R. Brent and soon we were at the Thames Lock and with the green light to enter one of the 2 automatic and staffed Locks.

DB had the Canopies in situ and we were warned that they may have to be removed before the road bridge to the Brentford gauging locks. So the tide was now going out, ebb tide, and this we hoped would mean the canopies would be OK. Cptn went out snail’s pace and I noticed we were pushing a huge amount of river weed. A reverse thrust didn’t dislodge the weed from the Bow and I became aware there were 2 Narrowboats now following closely behind DB. This meant there would be competition to be first out of the Locks thankfully operated by C&RT volunteers leading into Brentford Basin moorings and the start of The Grand Union Canal.

Suffice to say we only just cleared under the road bridge, were first into one of the two wide Locks, first out of the Lock, and first to get the only remaining mooring in the Basin.
The last space!

If our mooring quest had turned to custard, there are mooring rings just outside the Basin and the other boats bar one managed to get their ropes on these. There was still space for the last boat to bang their mooring pegs in.

DB in the best spot!

A brief history

This is a blog set up by Chris and Sarah so family and friends can catch up with their travels on the British waterways in the summer of 2011. In 2010, I went to England with the idea of getting a narrow boat built. I had specific requirements so I thought that a new build may be the way to go. I e mailed to numerous boat builders, a great percentage of whom ignored me. The problem of having a family name of Laycock is that hotmail and a few others think that I am a porn star. At an early age you learn not to put C Laycock on your school books. But I guess that my nephew Paul did worse. Anyway I spent a very pleasant few weeks driving around the beautiful English countryside visiting boatyards, marinas, boat builders and just a few pubs. I had narrowed it down to two builders and in the last week I was in Devizes Wiltshire when I came across "Avalon Mist" 54 feet of throbbing neglected narrow boat. The past owner had lost interest, hadn’t maintained her and to add insult to injury had been made redundant. After a very short negotiation I was able to buy her for a pretty fair price. On the day the sale took place I had to beg her to take her trainers and a few rather suspect items of clothing, in other words she left everything. Lock stock and barrel.

Soon after the purchase I flew to California to meet Sarah and have a short holiday. Once back in NZ I started to try and organize works. The first thing that I learnt was that the marina does not allow any contractor on site, only their chosen ones, the excuse given is a concern about insurance, the suspicion is, graft, pay back, baksheesh, call it what you like. It is possible to take the boat off the marina to have the work done, but not really practical.

The first job to be tackled was to “winterize” the boat, i.e. drain off all the water, check the anti freeze in the engine and central heating and fit an automatic bilge pump.

No real problem there except communication, the mechanic just didn’t answer e mails. Difficult to do business like that.

The nice marina lady had a quiet word with him, and things did improve, thanks Debs you have been a star through out . He later confided in me the reason for this was that he was dyslexic, apparently a malady [he] claims affects a lot of mechanics.[It turns out that he is a great mechanic and a nice guy to boot].

That goes pretty high on my list of lame excuses, the top one being a really nice Irish guy Pat, who I had employed as a carpenter years ago when I lived in London. He was always a bit late for work, when I finally collared him about it; he said he could never decide what to wear to work.

Nice one Pat.

I digress, the boat was winterized, which was just as well as it was a cold one and the whole marina froze over.

Next job was to have her taken out of the water, have the hull stripped back to bare metal and have a bit of over plating done. There were a couple of areas where there was pitting, and I though if she’s out of the water, may as well do the job right, so a small amount of over plating and then the hull was blacked, and the engine bay partially de-rusted and then back in the water.

Seems like a good job was done, I had the marine surveyor who had done the original survey, check out all the major works and give me written reports and photos, so all good except once again communications.

I then came across a great guy, the partner of the woman who runs the marina and a carpenter/narrow boat fitter outer .He replaced the stern deck and did a great job, also did a great job on de-greasing, de-rusting and painting the engine compartment. A job I should have done myself, but I just didn’t fancy it, not only that be was great with communications and chasing other people up

So that takes us up to present.

There needs to be a bit of electrical work, not much. The outside is badly in need of paint, Sarah and I can do that and a bit of a tidy up inside, and then she will be a really nice boat.